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2019-2020: Text
2019-2020: HTML Embed
2019-2020: Text

After completing the introductory linguistics course freshman year, and conducting my own research project - I was now able to take higher level courses in linguistics, on the way to a minor. Attached is my project for Linguistics 450 - Phonetics. Phonetics is the study of the sound systems in a language. For our final projects, we were given mystery sound files of a language and we had to transcribe all the sounds we heard by ear and by analyzing wave forms, and then we had to analyze their use restrictions. The table below shows all the Thai consonant sounds and the parts of the vocal tract anatomy that make them.

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Autumn 2019 I began volunteering as a radio DJ with Rainy Dawg Radio. It has been an excellent way to reach out to more musical people and to discover new artists. I work under the name The Big Blue Bug, after Rhode Island's most iconic pest control monument. I included one of. my favorite sets, even though I did a bit of genre bending throughout the two years i spent with the station. During COVID, we mixed virtual sets using audio software. 


Autumn 2019 I began volunteering as a radio DJ with Rainy Dawg Radio. It has been an excellent way to reach out to more musical people and to discover new artists. I work under the name The Big Blue Bug, after Rhode Island's most iconic pest control monument. I included one of. my favorite sets, even though I did a bit of genre bending throughout the two years i spent with the station. During COVID, we mixed virtual sets using audio software. 


Winter 2020 I took Honors 221 with Jon Herron. The class focussed on analyzing human behavior from a Darwinian perspective. We found that some cases fit with Darwin's criteria for evolution by natural selection, others had other outlying factors, and some did not present enough evidence to make a conclusion. It was an interesting exercise of data interpretation. One case we looked at was whether or not being left handed was evolutionarily advantageous in different societies, which was particularly interesting to me because I myself am left handed. 




During quarantine, I spent the month of May trying to keep busy and ended up competing in a self directed ironman through UW Virtual Intramurals. Students and staff had to run 26.2 miles and bike 112 miles, broken up however they wished over the course of a month. I took the challenge very seriously and ended up winning the running category for the women's division. I also ran my first ever half marathon as part of this challenge. 


Living in Seattle during the George Floyd protests was a harsh awakening to the deep seated racism present in every state as well as to the privilege I hold. I wrote a letter to the Barrington Times about the history of slavery in my home town, and discussed the decision to remove the "and Providence Plantations" bit from the state name. My sources include documents from the Barrington Preservation Society, specifically the 1774 census, and Boston Globe and Providence Journal articles about the name change. My goal with this letter was to create more awareness of the historical racial inequality of our hometown and call for more action in the present day!

FIRST PNW SUMMER - Nannying on San Juan Island and Studying OChem

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